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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

DIY Ice Cream Balloons

DIY Ice Cream Balloons
As I said on Monday, it's ice cream week here on the blog. Here is a fun DIY that you can use to decorate for any themed party.

For our ice cream party, we decorated balloons with ice cream stickers to match the theme. I made these stickers by drawing the cones in Illustrator and then printing them on adhesive paper. Then I used my Silhouette to cut them out. I made a couple of them bigger and also used them to decorate our ice cream stand (more pictures of that on Friday!). 
DIY Ice Cream Balloons
I love how these turned out! You can do this for all of your themed parties. Find (or make) some stickers in your theme and simply stick them on plain balloons. It's fun for the kids to do too and they can feel like they helped to set up for the party. Plain balloons are still great, but decorated ones are so much more fun!

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